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Home | Watch a movie or presentation
Watch a movie or presentation
Please, feel free to watch our presentational movies about ZelFlex streching frames:
- ZelFlex Movie (MP4, 17.0 MB)
- ZelFlex Protect Stencil Exchange Movie (MP4, 6.5 MB)
You can also download a brochure:
- ZelFlex Brochure (PDF, English, 1.3 MB)
- ZelFlex Brochure (PDF, Deutsch, 0.9 MB)
- ZelFlex QR Step by Step User Guide (PDF, English, 3.0 MB)
- ZelFlex ZR Step by Step User Guide (PDF, English, 2.8 MB)
Note: To open PDF file you need Adobe Reader (download it for free) or other PDF reader.